Friday, April 16, 2010

Week 4 and 5...

So I am not too sure what week I am on on my Being a Better Me plan...mostly becuase I stopped having weekends off, so the weeks get a bit confusing. I think I am doing really well considering its been only a month. I have touched on about half of my goals I think....but there are a lot more things for me to work on! Here are the details on my lastest adventures into self betterment....

I have gone to 2 more flower arranging courses. And i am not going to lie the arrangements I have made are SO not my style and I think they are god-awful. BUT I am learning these particular design concepts and while they are not my cup of tea...maybe they are someone elses? I think the problem I have with them is that there is too much going on! In class, I don't get to do my own thing we just follow the guidelines and teachers' suggestions. So even though I think theere is way too many flowers and sticks I still have to put them in. But anyways...hope you don't judge me too much....I promise I can make normal looking things too.

Week 4 (it gets worse)

Week 5...don't even ask

I have to admit they look worse in the pictures. But hopefully next week's arrangement will actually be cute!

In this these past few weeks, I have also been falling in love with yoga! I always thought it was this lame ultra boring non-sport, but it makes me so sweaty and sooooo calm and relaxed. Its like the whole time you are focusing on yourself and your body and your fits in really well with my being self centered plan!

I've also been reading more...I am currently about halfways done with this book by Joyce Carol Oates (which for some reason I got confused with Judith Guest who wrote Ordinary of the only books I actually read of our high school reading books) called A Fair Maiden. It is pretty good....and I really want to know what happens!

And I must say thay I have been spending less money on things. Like I cannot remember the last thing I really bought for myself...however I still am spending a lot on taxi rides and magazines and food. I used to plan ahead how much money I would save so that I could buy some nice thing...but I want to stop focusing on the material things in my life! And I think that I am really starting to plan my life around the experiences I want ot have rather than the things I want to buy.

Finally, I am starting my travels around ASIA! C and I bought tickets to Phuket in May and I cannot wait! The round trip airfare was SGD140.00 only! And the hotels are pretty cheap there too...I think we will be staying here

Looks like paradis right?! And you know what I am already thinking of where I want to travel to next! Loving life at the moment, xxoo!

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