Friday, June 17, 2011


Lately I have been obsessed with and reading other blogs so I can "pin" things to my boards on pinterest. And i came across this bag by Lo & Sons and I want this bag so much, I feel like i need it and can't go on another trip without this bag. And since it only fits a 13" laptop, i feel like i need a small laptop just to go with this AMAZING bag. Check out this video!

my life just won't feel complete without this bag, until next time, xxoo!!


Flightless said...

THAT LOOKS SOOOO COOL!!! As your enabler, I insist that you buy it. You do travel quite a bit. Instead of storing shoes, you can store comfy slippers for on-plane sleeping. Also maybe exchange the laptop for your ipad. It could also be your gym bag between traveling.

Hmm have I come up with enough reasons to buy it...

Unknown said...

haha my enabler!! its so perfect right?!